At about week 4 of summer vacation, we have completed allot!! We have done VBS, gone to the beach, visited the library, played more video games than one family should be allowed, and shopped at Target and Walmart until we are broke! After all this activity, it is obvious that all this "fun", has done nothing but create four over stimulated, and dare I say, bratty kids!! I noted that my kids were so happy to accompany me to the store to fill a prescription. On the way IN the door, everyone was cheerful and pleasant. On the way OUT it was a different story! While in the store, each of the three children that accompanied me asked for no fewer than 5 items. After many, many, "No's", the mood changed! The walk to the front door and through the parking lot with 3 stomping, grumbling, and sullen children was embarrassing! I would bet that every mom there could see and spell SPOILED!! While I was very tempted to let loose on them, I began to realize that maybe I had in some way trained them to be that way. With this thought in mind, I decided some changes were due!
The first thing to change.... I am not the maid. First thing the next morning was laundry lessons for the two older kids. Both the oldest boy and girl where to begin doing their own laundry and that of the younger room mate. That went remarkably well. Using the new space ship like washer is apparently very fun, and according to my daughter, the sheets smell better when you wash them yourself!
Next on the list....I'm not the only cook or kitchen cleaner! Again, my oldest son stepped up and volunteered to make dinner! He seem to have fun letting me know I should set the table with paper plates to make clean up easier, and he really thought using the grill was cool! He must have been watching his dad, because he didn't burn anything and the one hot dog that was dropped, he brushed off and served himself! Who is that kid?? The girls and the boys now take turns cleaning the kitchen in the evening, which give daddy and I time on the front porch rockers to catch up from the day!
Third on the list... turn off the TV, video games and computer! I was ready for battle!! The kids complied and we had a small battle. The first couple of days was really rough! It was actually too hot to send the dog outside for long, much less the kids. They kept bickering and annoying each other. However, just as I was about to give up, something amazing happened! I walked through the kitchen to get a glass of tea, and there at the table sat 2 kids playing Scrabble and 2 kids coloring in coloring books! No yelling, no bickering, no anything but concentration! I backed out of the kitchen and got the camera! It's been several days now, and I can't believe the difference! Playing together, reading to each other, sharing and just general cheerfulness. The only change the kids requested has been to be allowed to "earn" TV, computer or game time! After discussing it with dad, we agreed. Complete extra chores such as yard work, cleaning the car, cleaning the fridge, etc.. for equal screen time. Thus far, cleaning the car turned into water play in the yard, yard work led to building a fort, and cleaning the fridge led to making an apple cake with shriveled apples. I'm not sure they noticed they didn't use their screen time, but I'm not pointing it out!
This summer is going to be great! If it goes this well the rest of it, I might be sad when school starts back. My kids are really neat, especially when they aren't so busy bickering! Now it's time to find some fun and inexpensive activities, and a little old fashioned too!!
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